Once the crack is LAA Patched, make sure you have run the DAO Config Utility and set the settings to your liking and launched the game at least once before continuing to the next section, otherwise installing the DLCs will fail to detect your DAO installation. A confirmation window will pop up when done: Run the 4gb_patcher and locate the daorigins.exe executable in the in the bin_ship folder. The useful tool that will patch the daorigins.exe excuted to use up 4GB VRAM (instead of the default 2GB that DAO has) and fix many game issues.

Replace the game executable in the bin_ship folder of the game directory. Might not be necessary for GOG users of Dragon Age: Origins. It's the same as the steam version, just without the encryption. The steam version of daorigins.exe is encrypted and won't work with the Large Address Aware patcher so naturally a crack is necessary. Pre-InstallationThese steps are absolutely essential for the guide to work, failure to do these will result in a broken game, so please don't skip this section. The easiest solution would be to drop your graphic settings to their lowest to get through the quests in Denrim or use the processor core trick above if all else fails. This is not entirely fixed by the 4GB LAA Patch and may still affect users of this guide. I do NOT recommend doing this except as a last resort. A simple solution would be to limit DAO to use only core to get through said area, but it will severely deplete your FPS. DAO was never designed to run on more than one processor core, and while it does it's job nicely you may experience crashes in random places even with the LAA Patch. Some things to note before you get started: This subreddit and its mods are in no way associated with BioWare or EA.Link to our Discord Community Īs expected of my Modding Guides for the ME Trilogy and KotOR Games, I will do my absolute best to keep everything as detailed as possible, but unlike my other guides the installation will be slightly more complicated with extra steps to get everything working nicely together. Each paragraph must be spoiler tagged separately or these tags won't work.How to use spoiler tags: >!spoiler here!< Please don't spoil any other, non-Dragon Age media released within the last year Please respect others users' wishes to not be spoiled, especially pertaining to leaked materials /r/InquisitionSliders character creation.They are subject to removal at moderator discretion.

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